Emerging Technologies Lab

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    Groene Loper 19, Flux 7.097

    5612 AP Eindhoven


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    P.O. Box 513, Department of Electical Engineering

    5600 MB Eindhoven



Introductie / missie

The mission of the research on emerging technologies and applications is to design circuits and systems which exploit novel device technologies, in order to expand the application domain of electronics beyond what is conventionally possible with silicon integrated circuits (ICs) alone.


Recently, silicon electronics has been integrated with other technologies (e.g. power devices, images sensors, MEMs) to enable new applications in the domains of physical and chemical sensing, healthcare, automotive, lighting, etc. The name ‘More than Moore’ has been used for these developments. The most long-term research in More than Moore’s electronics strives to integrate silicon with emerging non-silicon technologies like large-area, flexible, conformable, printed and nano-material based electronics, as well as integrated photonics, to enable completely new applications.

The domain of emerging technologies is extremely broad, and research in the use of emerging technologies for electronic application needs focus. The IC group has decided to concentrate the research on circuit design for emerging technologies in two research programs:

  1. Flexible and printed electronics. Integrated silicon electronics consists of in tiny and rigid ‘chips’. For this reason it cannot serve all purposes. Large-area electronics has been invented for applications like flat-panel displays, where transistors must cover large surfaces. Interestingly, some technologies for large area electronics keep the processing temperature always below 200°C, enabling the use of cheap plastic films as substrates and making possible flexible and stretchable large-area circuits. Further research is focusing on the use of printing methods to fabricate this ‘flexible electronics’, achieving higher-speed production and even lower costs. Flexible and printed large-area electronics, for its characteristics vastly different from silicon ICs, is an ideal candidate for our work towards enabling new applications of electronics. The characteristics of large-area, flexibility and low cost can be conveniently combined for different purposes, e.g. large area sensing surfaces, biopotential sensors, and sensors integrated in packaging materials.
  2. Integration of electronics and photonics.  Another set of emerging technologies which appears extremely promising from the circuit and system design perspective is the integration of photonic and electronic ICs. TU/e is a front runner in photonic integration, and our ambition is to create innovative systems based on photonic and silicon ICs for revolutionary applications in the domains of sensing (e.g. Lidar, metrology, fiber optic sensing) and ultra-fast communication (in cooperation with the PhI group and the RF lab of the IC group).

VN Doelstellingen voor duurzame ontwikkeling

In 2015 stemden de VN-lidstaten in met 17 wereldwijde duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's) om armoede te beëindigen, de planeet te beschermen en voor iedereen welvaart te garanderen. Ons werk draagt bij aan de volgende duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstelling(en):

  • SDG 3 – Goede gezondheid en welzijn
  • SDG 7 – Betaalbare en schone energie


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