- 1 - 50 van 156 resultaten
Olaf C.G. Adan
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Permeable Media - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Floor Alkemade
- EAISI Mobility - Hoogleraar
- Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Technology, Innovation & Society - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Maike W. Baltussen
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Multi-scale Modelling of Multi-phase Flows - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Rob J.M. Bastiaans
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Bastiaans - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Mechanical Engineering, Power & Flow - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EAISI Foundational - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EAISI High Tech Systems - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Max V. Birk
- Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Human Technology Interaction - Universitair Docent
- Industrial Design,
- EAISI Health - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Peter A. Bobbert
- ICMS Core - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Molecular Materials and Nanosystems - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Gunter Bombaerts
- EAISI - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
- Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Philosophy & Ethics - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Mark Boneschanscher
- EIRES Business Operations - Directeur Bedrijfsvoering
Persoon: OBP : Ondersteunend en Beheerspersoneel
Zandrie Borneman
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Membrane Materials and Processes - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Geert H.L.A. Brocks
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Electronic Structure Materials - Full Professor
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Materials Simulation & Modelling - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar, HGL : Hoogleraar
H.J.H. (Jos) Brouwers
- Built Environment, Building Materials - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
E.H. (Harald) van Brummelen
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Van Brummelen - Hoogleraar
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Center for Analysis, Scientific Computing & Appl. - Hoogleraar
- Mechanical Engineering, Energy Technology - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Kay A. Buist
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Multi-scale Modelling of Multi-phase Flows - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Sofia Calero
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Materials Simulation & Modelling - Full Professor, Hoogleraar
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Molecular Simulation & Modelling
- EAISI - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Bram C.M. Cappers, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Visual Analytics - Docent
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Security - Docent
- EIRES Research - Docent
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Visual Analytics for Data Science - Docent
Persoon: OWP : Docent / Onderzoeker
Lin-Lin Chen
- EAISI Foundational - Hoogleraar
- EAISI High Tech Systems - Hoogleraar
- EAISI Health - Hoogleraar
- Industrial Design, Future Everyday - Hoogleraar
- Industrial Design - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Herman J.H. Clercx
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Fluids and Flows - Hoogleraar
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Turbulent Flows (Clercx)
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Marta Costa Figueiredo
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Inorganic Materials & Catalysis - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
M. (Adriana) Creatore
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Plasma & Materials Processing - Hoogleraar
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Interfaces in future energy technologies
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Benedicte Cuenot
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Van Oijen - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Nico J. Dam
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Deen - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Mechanical Engineering, Power & Flow - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Anton A. Darhuber
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Fluids and Flows - Hoogleraar
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Micro- and Nanoscale Flows (Darhuber)
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Nicolas Daub, MSc
- EIRES - Postdoc
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Molecular Materials and Nanosystems - Postdoc
Persoon: PD : Postdoc
Michael G. Debije
- ICMS Core - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Stimuli-responsive Funct. Materials & Dev. - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Heleen C. de Coninck
- Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Technology, Innovation & Society - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Niels G. Deen
- Mechanical Engineering, Power & Flow - Hoogleraar
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Deen - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Alexander P.J. van Deursen
- EIRES Research - Onderzoeker
- Electrical Engineering, Electrical Energy Systems - Onderzoeker
Persoon: OWP : Docent / Onderzoeker
Jan van Dijk
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Plasimo is a framework for modelling low-temperature plasma sources
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Oana Druta
- Built Environment, Systematic Urban Design - Universitair Docent
- EAISI Health - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Richard A.H. Engeln
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Plasma & Materials Processing - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
S.J.F. (Bart) Erich
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Permeable Media - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Bart P.M. van Esch
- Mechanical Engineering, Power & Flow - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Van Esch - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
L.F.P. (Pascal) Etman
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Odyssey - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Mechanical Engineering, Control Systems Technology - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Giulia Finotello
- Mechanical Engineering, Power & Flow - Universitair Docent
- EAISI Health - Universitair Docent
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Finotello - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Antoni Forner Cuenca
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Membrane Materials and Processes - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Electrochemical Materials and Systems - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Heiner Friedrich
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Physical Chemistry - Universitair Docent
- ICMS Core - Universitair Docent
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry - Universitair Docent
- EAISI - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Arjan J.H. Frijns
- Mechanical Engineering, Energy Technology - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Mechanical Engineering, Micro Thermo Fluidics - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Silvia V. Gaastra-Nedea, MSc
- Mechanical Engineering, Energy Technology - Universitair Docent
- EAISI Foundational - Universitair Docent
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Gaastra - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Fausto Gallucci
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Sustainable Process Engineering - Full Professor, Hoogleraar
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Inorganic Membranes and Membrane Reactors - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Diletta Giuntini, PhD
- Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics of Materials - Universitair Docent
- ICMS Affiliated - Universitair Docent
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Giuntini - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
L.P.H. (Philip) de Goey
- Mechanical Engineering, Power & Flow - Hoogleraar
- Mechanical Engineering, Group De Goey - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Michael Golombok
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Deen - Hoogleraar
- Mechanical Engineering, Power & Flow - Hoogleraar
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Rik van Gorp
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Membrane Materials and Processes - Promovendus
- EIRES Research - Promovendus
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Electrochemical Materials and Systems - Promovendus
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus
Paul Grassia
- Mechanical Engineering, Group Smeulders - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Francesca Grazian
- EIRES - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
- Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics Lab - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
M.T. (Thijs) de Groot
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Sustainable Process Engineering - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry,
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Qi Han
- Built Environment, Information Systems in the Built Environment - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Jos E.M. Haverkort
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Advanced Nanomaterials & Devices - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Optics of hex-SiGe
- EIRES Research - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar, UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Lisanne C. Havinga
- Built Environment, Building Performance - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Emiel J.M. Hensen
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Inorganic Materials & Catalysis - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar