Projecten per jaar
Introductie / missie
We are part of a worldwide race to control the quantum states of elementary particles, and to integrate them in technology platforms. This so-called second quantum revolution will enable exponential advances in many fields of research and technology.
Highlighted phrase
Integrating quantum systems in technology platforms will transform not only obvious fields such as ICT, but also less obvious ones such as healthcare
At the Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven (QT/e), we focus on research topics such as advanced materials, nanotechnology and integrated circuit development for quantum technologies, post-quantum cryptography and information security, and quantum simulation with cold atoms and polaritons. This research has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of fields, including ICT and the internet, simulation and computation, data science and security, energy and sensing technologies, healthcare, logistics, and materials sciences.
Our quantum technology research at TU/e takes place in a multidisciplinary group of around 40 physicists, mathematicians and electrical engineers, embedded in the high-tech Brainport ecosystem where implementation of quantum-enabling technologies is a priority. QT/e aims to form the basis for a strong educational program at TU/e, to train the quantum engineers and quantum information specialists of the future.
The management team consists of Servaas Kokkelmans (scientific director), Boris Skoric (vice-director) and Paul Bezembinder (support).
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
Philippe Bouyer
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven - University Researcher
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Coherence and Quantum Technology - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Tom Bradley
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven
- Electrical Engineering, Electro-Optical Communication - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent, PD : Postdoc
Sample Runs
Kessels, W. M. M. (Project Manager) & Kessels, W. M. M. (Project Manager)
1/03/22 → 30/06/25
Project: Third tier
QKD Testbed
Rommel, S. (Project Manager), Patterson, D. (Projectmedewerker), Verschoor, S. R. (Projectmedewerker) & Álvarez Roa, M. (Projectmedewerker)
1/09/21 → 31/12/28
Project: Third tier
NGF - Operational & Use-Cases
Patterson, D. (Project communicatie medewerker), Okonkwo, C. M. (Project Manager) & Rommel, S. (Projectmedewerker)
1/09/21 → 31/12/28
Project: Third tier
Attacking and Enhancing Code-Based Cryptography
Pellegrini, A., 20 jan. 2025, Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology. 193 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Scriptie › Dissertatie 1 (Onderzoek TU/e / Promotie TU/e)
Open AccessBestand -
Constellation Shaping for Mitigating Nonlinear Interference Noise in Fiber Optical Communications
Goossens, S., 22 jan. 2025, (Geaccepteerd/In druk) Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology. 92 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Scriptie › Dissertatie 1 (Onderzoek TU/e / Promotie TU/e)
Open AccessBestand -
Towards the Generation of a Skyrmionic Structured mmWave Beam
Verwer, S. J., Dilz, R., Luiten, O. J. & Reniers, A. C. F., 2025, (Geaccepteerd/In druk).Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congres › Paper › Academic
Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics (PSN labs)
Koenraad, P. M. (Manager)
Photonics and Semiconductor NanophysicsUitrusting/faciliteit: Onderzoekslaboratorium
Crossed Andreev Reflection in InSb flake Josephson Junctions
de Vries, F. (Ontwerper), Sol, M. L. (Ontwerper), Gazibegovic, S. (Ontwerper), Op het Veld, R. L. M. (Ontwerper), Balk, S. C. (Ontwerper), Car, D. (Ontwerper), Bakkers, E. P. A. M. (Ontwerper), Kouwenhoven, L. P. (Ontwerper) & Shen, J. (Ontwerper), 4TU.Centre for Research Data, 1 jul. 2019
DOI: 10.4121/uuid:8bcbeb5b-9b0a-47d2-9264-5521aa748b64
Designing open channels in random scattering media for on-chip spectrometers
Liu, T. (Bijdrager) & Fiore, A. (Ontwerper), The Optical Society, 4 aug. 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5058026, en nog één link, (minder tonen)
Data underlying the publication: Isotropic atomic layer etching of GaN using SF6 plasma and Al(CH3)3
Chittock, N. J. (Ontwerper), Mackus, A. J. M. (Ontwerper), Shu, Y. (Ontwerper), Elliott, S. D. (Ontwerper), Knoops, H. C. M. (Ontwerper) & Kessels, W. M. M. (Ontwerper), 4TU.Centre for Research Data, 21 aug. 2023
DOI: 10.4121/b7383943-2ae0-4339-8cbf-657765023fd6, en nog één link, (minder tonen)
A solid theory for post-quantum cryptography
Hülsing, A. T. (Ontvanger), 2019
Prijs: NWO › Vidi › Wetenschappelijk
Best Student Paper Award (2023 EuCNC/6G Summit)
Stan, C. (Ontvanger), Rommel, S. (Ontvanger), de Miguel, I. (Ontvanger), Vegas Olmos, J. J. (Ontvanger), Durán, R. J. (Ontvanger) & Tafur Monroy, I. (Ontvanger), 8 jun. 2023
Prijs: Anders › Werk, activiteit of publicatie gerelateerde prijzen (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.) › Wetenschappelijk
Bestand -
Educational Award - Best Master Lecturer 2016
Lange, T. (Ontvanger), 5 sep. 2016
Prijs: Anders › Werk, activiteit of publicatie gerelateerde prijzen (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.) › Wetenschappelijk
19th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
Verwer, S. J. (Organisator), Dilz, R. (Organisator), Luiten, O. J. (Organisator) & Reniers, A. C. F. (Organisator)
30 mrt. 2025 → 4 apr. 2025Activiteit: Types deelname aan of organisatie van een evenement › Congres › Wetenschappelijk
Using Ultracold Strontium Atoms as Qubits
Venderbosch, M. L. (Spreker) & Kokkelmans, S. J. J. M. F. (Deelnemer)
21 jan. 2025Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Aangemelde presentatie › Wetenschappelijk
Can new access technology and architectures support the beyond 5G network vision?
Tafur Monroy, I. (Spreker)
26 mrt. 2024Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Genodigd spreker › Wetenschappelijk
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven gaat ‘twee keer zoveel studenten opleiden’ voor de chipsector
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: Vakinhoudelijk commentaar
Nearfield eist vanuit Rotterdam zijn plaats in de wereldwijde chipmarkt op
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: Vakinhoudelijk commentaar
Einde aan de panelenhonger: heeft zonne-energie nog toekomst in Nederland?
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: Vakinhoudelijk commentaar
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Bezembinder, P. (Content manager), Sanders, R. (Content manager) & Kokkelmans, S. J. J. M. F. (Content manager)
Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)
Quantum computing and quantum simulation
Bezembinder, P. (Content manager), Sanders, R. (Content manager) & Kokkelmans, S. J. J. M. F. (Content manager)
Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)
Quantum Materials and Devices
Bezembinder, P. (Content manager), Sanders, R. (Content manager) & Kokkelmans, S. J. J. M. F. (Content manager)
Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)
A consistent coupled-channels description of Feshbach resonances through two- three- and many-body systems
Braun, D. J. M. (Auteur), Kokkelmans, S. (Afstudeerdocent 1), Mestrom, P. M. A. (Afstudeerdocent 2) & Musolino, S. (Afstudeerdocent 2), 2018Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
Bestand -
Active liquid crystal tuning of surface lattice resonances
van Heijst, E. A. P. (Auteur), Schenning, A. P. H. J. (Afstudeerdocent 1), Debije, M. G. (Afstudeerdocent 2), Sol, J. A. H. P. (Afstudeerdocent 2), Gómez Rivas, J. (Afstudeerdocent 2), ter Huurne, S. (Afstudeerdocent 2), Ramezani, M. (Afstudeerdocent 2) & Castellanos Gonzalez, G. (Afstudeerdocent 2), 27 jul. 2021Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
A holistic exploration on the development of Innovation Ecosystems: A Dutch case study on Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics
Wu, J. H. (Auteur), den Ouden, E. (Afstudeerdocent 1), Walrave, B. (Afstudeerdocent 2) & Dolmans, S. A. M. (Afstudeerdocent 2), 22 dec. 2023Scriptie/Masterproef: Master