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Architecture is changing at a high pace. The aim of the group is transformation of the role of the architect, of the existing building stock and the way buildings and open spaces are designed, constructed and produced. Our profession has the world as its canvas.
Architecture has the world as its canvas – and that world is changing rapidly
Our work is connected with the far-reaching and emergent changes in society spurred by the digital revolution. Data is now at the heart of everything, and social balances are shifting. Architects now no longer design buildings; they need to be able to lead the large consortia of people and businesses that are involved in today’s initiatives in the built environment.
Then there are the massive transformations required to adapt existing building stock to new demands, and the increased need for innovation power in design, construction and procurement of buildings and open spaces. These changes are too critical to leave unexplored.
Our group aims to develop a perspective on these changes through research and design in collaboration with other disciplines. The group also has a strong focus on education, both to prepare students for architectural practice and to offer perspectives for students to specialize in research, especially regarding the changing role of the architect and of architectural transformation of existing buildings.
Persoon: OWP : Docent / Onderzoeker
Persoon: OWP : Docent / Onderzoeker
Persoon: OWP : Docent / Onderzoeker
Onderzoeksoutput: Scriptie › Dissertatie 1 (Onderzoek TU/e / Promotie TU/e)
Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapport › Rapport › Academic
Willems, M. H. P. M. (Ontvanger), sep. 2021
Prijs: Anders › Werk, activiteit of publicatie gerelateerde prijzen (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.) › Wetenschappelijk
Willems, M. H. P. M. (Ontvanger), mei 2019
Prijs: Anders › Werk, activiteit of publicatie gerelateerde prijzen (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.) › Wetenschappelijk
Apelt, H. (Organisator), de Bondt, R. L. (Organisator) & Roorda, R. P. J. (Organisator)
Activiteit: Types deelname aan of organisatie van een evenement › Workshop, seminar, cursus of expositie › Wetenschappelijk
Apelt, H. (Gastheer), Rapp, C. (Gastheer), Peters - van den Heuvel, A.-M. (Gastheer) & Diederen, P. J. R. (Gastheer)
Activiteit: Types voor hosten van een bezoeker › Ontvangst van een academische bezoeker › Wetenschappelijk
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master