
  • Caroline van Os-Rovers (Content manager)

Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)

Beschrijving van impact

A major application area of our research is dedicated to membranes for water treatment, purification and reuse. This involves the treatment of waste water such that it can be discharged or reused in industrial applications or the production of drinking water, both applications primarily focusing on the retention of salts and micropollutants (e.g. drugs, chemicals) using ultrafiltration and modified layer-by-layer membranes with designed functionalities. Moreover, research is dedicated to the concentration, purification and valorization of rest streams dedicated to the recovery and reuse of valuable components, e.g. the selective separation of nutrients such as minerals from manure treatment processes or amino acids and proteins in food and dairy processing. This involves forward osmosis processes for concentration and the use of tailored isoporous or layer-by-layer membranes for selective recovery. Membrane fouling is a dominant aspect in all water treatment processes and an integral part of our research.
Categorie van impactResearch Topic/Theme (at group level)