User access networks

  • Rianne Sanders (Content manager)

Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)

Beschrijving van impact

Deliver any broadband service to the end user/ device, wire-bound as well as wireless by means of converged network solutions. We investigate optical routing techniques for delivering capacity-on-demand, for optimizing user mobility and network performance, and for reducing energy consumption. We explore techniques for flexible fibre-to-the-home networks, as well as optical in-building network solutions to extend FttH’s huge capacity into the home. With radio-over-fibre techniques, we create radio pico-cells for flexible high-capacity wireless coverage, while avoiding radio interference and significantly lowering radio emission levels. Free-space dynamically steered optical beam communication is investigated to offer the ultimate ultra-high capacity wireless communication.
Categorie van impactResearch Topic/Theme (at group level)