UML class diagrams for layout quality checking

  • Michel R.V. Chaudron (Bijdrager)
  • Gustav Bergström (Bijdrager)
  • Fadhl Hujainah (Bijdrager)
  • Truong Ho-Quang (Bijdrager)
  • Rodi Jolak (Bijdrager)



We offer a dataset of labelled UML class diagrams. In this dataset, we supply for every diagrams the following information: 1) a manually established ground truth of the quality of the layout, 2) a value for the layout-quality of the diagram as predicted by our classifier, and 3) the values of key features of the layout of the diagram. These features are extracted automatically via image processing. This dataset can be used for replication of our study and for others to build on and improve on our work.
Datum van beschikbaarheid14 jul. 2021

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