Impact Aware Manipulation (I.AM.) archive containing suction cup release experiments



I.AM. archive as part of the Impact-Aware Robotics Archives Collection. This archive contains all data associated to the paper "Learning Suction Cup Dynamics from Motion Capture: Accurate Prediction of an Object's Vertical Motion during Release", as presented in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS - Kyoto, Japan, 2022. This archive contains recordings of experiments that are executed under the scenario of TOSS. In these recordings, a UR10 robot is used to release and drop a plastic plate with different weights attached on a conveyor belt. The purpose of these experiments is to learn the release dynamics of the suction cup. This modeling framework is used within the H2020 I.AM. project ( to predict the end pose of a certain box on a conveyor belt, after it is tossed. Within these experiments, the involved contact transition is a release between the robot and the object. All the recordings in the archive were performed at the Innovation Lab of Vanderlande, located within the TU/e campus.
Datum van beschikbaarheid19 okt. 2022
Uitgever4TU.Centre for Research Data

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