Update of the first version of an I.AM. archive. Changes with respect to the previous version are the file structure, metadata structure, and license. This archive contains recordings of experiments that are executed under the scenario of TOSS. In these recordings, a UR10 robot is used to toss boxes on a conveyor belt. Thepurpose of these experiments is to validate a modeling framework. This modeling framework is used within the H2020 I.AM. project ( to predict the end pose of a certain box on a conveyor belt, after it is tossed.This means that the involved contact transitions are between the object and the environment, which in these recordings is a box and a conveyor. All the recordings in the archive were performed at the Innovation Lab of Vanderlande, located within the TU/e campus.
Datum van beschikbaarheid | 9 jun. 2022 |
Uitgever | 4TU.Centre for Research Data |