Event Data and Semantic Header for OCED-PG



Data sets and json files (describing the semantic header and dataset description) to build an Event Knowledge Graph (EKG) using OCED-PG as used in [1]. Provides input data for 6 datasets (BPIC14, BPIC15, BPIC16, BPIC17, BPIC19 and a simulated libraray example). EKGs are built using OCED-PG, implemented in PromgG v0.1.25. The source code can be found at Github. To build EKGs using OCED-PG for one of the BPIC challenges, fork the query code from Github: ekg_bpi_challenges. for the simulated library example, fork the query code from Github: ekg_library_example. [1] Swevels, A., Fahland, D., Montali, M.: Implementing Object-Centric Event Data Models in Event Knowledge Graphs (2023)
Datum van beschikbaarheid29 aug. 2023

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