Data underlying the publication: Numerical study of a pair of spheres in an oscillating box filled with viscous fluid



This data set contains all the data to reproduce the results presented in
van Overveld, T. J., Shajahan, M. T., Breugem, W. P., Clercx, H. J., & Duran-Matute, M. (2022). Numerical study of a pair of spheres in an oscillating box filled with viscous fluid. Physical Review Fluids, 7(1), 014308.

All data processing is done in Jupyter-Lab. FigureX.ipynb is used the preprocessed data and functions to generate Figure X from the original paper.
Datum van beschikbaarheid15 feb. 2022
Uitgever4TU.Centre for Research Data
Datum van data-aanmaak2020 - 2021

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