The focus of this master’s level course is on Classical, Hybrid Electrical Vehicle (HEV) & Electrical Vehicle systems (EV) ranging from passenger to commercial vehicle segments. The classical components and fuel technologies are covered under CE (Combustion Engine) part and the electrical drive and energy storage technologies are covered under ED (Electrical Drive). CE Part: The focus of this (part) of the course is on the modern Internal Combustion Engine and its role in future transport modalities. This role may be as a component in a hybrid drivetrain or a standalone propulsion system for long-haul and shipping. Key components are taught in detail by industry experts to understand their constraints. Their impact on the efficiency and emissions of the engine is modeled. ED Part: The focus of this (part) of the course is to introduce the basic concepts of electrical engineering and to strengthen the essential knowledge required for next-generation powertrain components and system control in electrified vehicles. The students are familiarized with the ever-growing share of electrical components and energy storage systems and technologies in the present and future hybrid and electrical vehicles. This part is given together with 5AT010 (2.5 ECTS) course. All information/changes between the two courses are identical.