The importance of molecular thinking in chemistry and chemical technology increases every day as a result of the rapid rise of molecular insights into nanoscience, biomedical technology and of course in many aspects of energy and health. The Macro-Organic Chemistry course deepens the knowledge gained in the introductory courses Introduction to Molecules and Processes (6BBR01) and Organic Chemistry 1 and 2 (6BMR01 and 6BMR02) for CE&C students, or Introduction Organic Chemistry (8BA010) and Bio-Organic Chemistry (8BM030) for BMT students. In these courses, the most frequently used molecular building blocks were discussed; how you can design, synthesize and analyse them. The theoretical background of their reactivity and properties was also discussed. In Macro-Organic Chemistry, the principles of structure and reactivity of organic molecules will be further elaborated. In addition, the limits in complexity and/or size of the molecule or molecular system will be sought from a historical perspective and placed with attention for the essential contributions in their own time.