Design project large span structures



In this course, you will learn how to individually design a structure with a large span. You will create this design as a professional structural engineer would. Thus, you will design and learn how to design efficiently and independently, focussing on the design process and the quality of design. You will focus on two design stages: the conceptual design and the final design. Before you start your design, you will analyse the environment to establish the boundary conditions, extend the programme of requirements presented in this study guide with requirements that you think are important and give three structural variants of the roof structure. You create conceptual variants of the structure. In the conceptual design stage, you design variants that fit the environment and meet the programme of requirements. Using a Multicriteria Analysis (MCA), you will select the best variant to elaborate further in the final design, fitting both the global setup and the requirements. With a midterm presentation, you will present that your structure satisfies the programme's requirements. In the final design stage, you further elaborate on the structural parts in more detail so that they can be built. You write down the calculations and reasoning in a design report. In a final individual presentation, where you transformed the calculations into drawings, you explain the design and the (design) process you performed.
Cursusperiode1/09/15 → …