Design and sensorial form



When designers talk about formgiving, they usually refer to the visual aspects of the products and systems they design. This emphasizes the importance of what we see when we interact with the world around us, but the picture is incomplete. Other complementary sensory modalities, like the tactile and auditory modalities, however, also play an important role in the interaction of people with products and systems. The aim of this years elective run, is to focus on understanding and implementation of the Tactile Sensorial Forms and how their subtleties impact the expressive qualities of designs. We translate this tactile aspects back into the visual world by digital and virtual designs, in combination with sound. The course invites for experimentation both physically and digitally, to get a better understanding of the basics of different aspects of Sensorial Forms, such as materialization, proportions, dimensions, textures, abstraction, integration, perception, familiarity, language and many more. Acquiring the basic skills in sensorial formgiving will be mediated through making and visualization.
Cursusperiode1/09/20 → …