A Night at the JADS opera

Pers / media: PR activiteiten


On October 30, 2018 a unique musical experiment took place in the Chapel of JADS, the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science in Den Bosch. The event was organized during the first Den Bosch Data Week, in collaboration with the International Vocal Competition (IVC). My recommender LAB took the challenge to tailor a program containing six opera arias to the Spotify profiles of the audience. This was a particular challenge as most of the audience was not familiar with opera or classical music in general. During the concert we asked the audience for their feedback to check if our predictions and tailoring worked well. In this story I will report how Yu Liang, my Phd Student and I approached this problem and what results came out of the event.

Periode5 nov. 2018




  • TitelA Night at the JADS opera
    Mate van erkenningNationaal
    Media naam/outletmedium blog
    Duur / lengte / grootte9 min read
    Release datum5/11/18
    BeschrijvingOn October 30, 2018 a unique musical experiment took place in the Chapel of JADS, the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science in Den Bosch. The event was organized during the first Den Bosch Data Week, in collaboration with the International Vocal Competition (IVC). My recommender LAB took the challenge to tailor a program containing six opera arias to the Spotify profiles of the audience. This was a particular challenge as most of the audience was not familiar with opera or classical music in general. During the concert we asked the audience for their feedback to check if our predictions and tailoring worked well. In this story I will report how Yu Liang, my Phd Student and I approached this problem and what results came out of the event.
    Producent / auteurMartijn Willemsen
    PersonenMartijn C. Willemsen


LocatieDen Bosch
Periode29 okt. 2018 → 3 nov. 2018