What do we know about Gender in Software Engineering Teams?

Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentatiesGenodigd sprekerWetenschappelijk


Software is being developed for people and by people. As software influences society and is influenced by it, we need to create better software to create a better society. To create better software, we need to make software development more inclusive. Inclusion refers to an individual’s perception that their unique contribution to the organization or project is appreciated and that their full participation is encouraged. It builds on an understanding that software development is experienced differently by individuals from minoritized groups as opposed to those from the dominant group, as well as on a recognition of the opportunities and challenges of collaboration in diverse teams. In this talk I will discuss some of the results of our research on diversity and inclusion in software engineering.
Periode8 jun. 2023
EvenementstitelAI for Diversity and Inclusion Workshop
LocatieTilburg, NederlandToon op kaart