Using Ultracold Strontium Atoms as Qubits

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Neutral atoms trapped in arrays of optical tweezers have emerged as a promising platform for the next generation of quantum processors. At Eindhoven University of Technology, we are developing in collaboration with the group of Florian Schreck at the University of Amsterdam, a quantum computer that uses strontium atoms as qubits. This talk highlights our recent progress and near-term plans in preparing and controlling these atoms.

We begin by laser cooling the atoms using the blue transition of strontium. Following this, we further cool the atoms on the narrow red transition to approximately 4 µK. Next, the atoms are loaded into an array of optical tweezers. At this stage, individual atoms can be used as qubits.

Currently, we are working to address the ultranarrow clock transition to site-selectively implement single-qubit rotations, as well as the ultra-violet Rydberg transition to perform multi-qubit entanglement gates. We plan to offer access to this platform via Quantum Inspire, making quantum computing more accessible to everyone.
Periode21 jan. 2025
EvenementstitelNWO Physics @ Veldhoven
LocatieVeldhoven, NederlandToon op kaart