The role of research in realizing sustainable challenge-based learning innovations

Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentatiesKeynote sprekerWetenschappelijk


About the kick-off
We will kick-off the new series with Jan Vermunt, professor at TU/e. He will speak on the subject: ‘For innovations to take root, you have to research them properly’. How do we do that in the context of CBL-CBE where multiple disciplines and stakeholders are involved?
After his presentation an interactive workshop will take place where we will discuss how good research can be done in a CBE innovation context. Here we will focus on more methodological questions such as: what is the role of the researcher, what methods do you use? What data do you collect? How do you guarantee research quality, etc.
Periode10 nov. 2021
Evenementstitel4TU.CEE WEBINAR SERIES - Research into Challenge-based Education
Mate van erkenningNationaal