TEDx Antwerp Salon

Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentatiesGenodigd sprekerProfessioneel


Design is part of all aspects of our daily lives. It’s in the products and services we use, the art we enjoy, the spaces we move and work in, and the processes that run our companies and societies.

On 1 June 2023, TEDxAntwerp and ANTWERP. POWERED BY CREATIVES. join forces to highlight the power of design and creativity. During the TEDxAntwerp Salon: The Power of Design, thought leaders from the creative industry will take the stage to share their insights.
Periode1 jun. 2023
EvenementstitelTEDx Antwerp : Power by Design
LocatieAntwerpen, BelgiëToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal