Stray Inductance Based Ultra-Fast Short Circuit Protection

  • Darian Retianza (Spreker)

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In this presentation, the problem of ultra-fast short circuit detection in a phase leg consisting of a GaN device is solved using the voltage information across the stray inductance, which is always present between the DC link capacitor and the phase leg. This method, later to be addressed as Stray Voltage Capture (SVC). Another variant of the method is to use a magnetically coupled circuit, ie, a pick-up coil, to capture a part of the changing magnetic field during a short circuit proportional to the stray voltage. This method was later named Stray Field Capture (SFC). Both resulted in ultra-fast short circuit protection in less than 100 ns, which is a promising solution against the Single-Event Burnout failure type occurrence.
Periode10 jun. 2021
EvenementstitelPower Electronics Event FHI 2021
Locaties-Hertogenbosch, NederlandToon op kaart