Positive Organisational Psychology 2.0: Grand Challenges and Future Perspectives

  • Llewellyn E. van Zyl (Spreker)

Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentatiesKeynote sprekerWetenschappelijk


Positive organizational psychology has shown to be the fastest-growing sub-discipline of positive psychology. This scientific study of the positive experiences, states, and traits that aim to enhance the quality of life within organizational contexts has broadened our understanding of the elements underpinning work-related well-being and performance and the factors that undermine it. With its exponential growth over the past ten years, it’s clear that the discipline is on the horizon of a new wave of research, innovation and ideas which may fundamentally alter its own discourse. We expect to see a new wave of research focusing on topics like social and organizational network analysis of positive leadership and relational energy in the workplace, more advances in artificial intelligence-driven positive organizational interventions, human-robot collaboration, passive neurological assessments of positive states/traits and behaviours at work and the like. This new wave of research will be characterized by rapid innovation, mass adoption of artificial intelligence systems, machine learning, social media analytics, big data analyses, and the like, culminating in Positive Organizational Psychology 2.0 (POP 2.0). These rapid changes will also require more sophisticated models, approaches and measures to explain complex organizational phenomena; yet be flexible to adapt to new innovations in technology and the discipline. POP 2.0 will also require closer collaboration between scientists/practitioners, organizations and professional societies to fast track the implementation of scientific innovations. But what does POP 2.0 entail and what does the future hold for POP 2.0 science and practice? What are its grand challenges and opportunities? And what’s required for fast track its development? In this presentation, I aim to provide an answer to these fundamental questions. Specifically, this presentation aims to conceptualize POP 2.0 and to share our vision for future perspectives in positive organizational psychology research/practice. Finally, it also aims to highlight the grand challenges and opportunities for the second wave of POP research and to provide suggestions on how these should be approached.

Periode12 mei 2022
Evenementstitel5th Sociedad Española de Psicología Positiva Conference
LocatieBilboa, SpanjeToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal