"Peripheral Interaction" research collaboration

  • Saskia Bakker (Bijdrager)
  • Doris Hausen (Bijdrager)
  • Ted Selker (Bijdrager)
  • E. van den Hoven (Ontvanger)

    Activiteit: Types andere activiteitenOverigeWetenschappelijk


    "Peripheral Interaction" research collaboration is still ongoing. In this collaboration 2 worjshops were organized at international conferences (CHI '14 and INTERACT '13); a special issue was edited in the Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal, and a book was edited in the Human-Computer Interaction series of Springer-Verlag (2016)
    EvenementstitelCHI'14: Workshop "Supporting children with complex communication needs
    LocatieToronto, CanadaToon op kaart