Periodicity-induced noise reduction effects by barriers

  • Jieun Yang (Spreker)

Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentatiesGenodigd sprekerWetenschappelijk


Noise barriers reduce the level of noise that reaches the receiver by interrupting the noise propagation path. Even though noise barriers are effective at high frequencies, low-frequency control remains challenging as sound waves at low frequencies are easily diffracted over the barriers. In this work, we show that noise barriers designed with a periodic array of tuned resonators can achieve high attenuation, more than 5 dB, of noise at low frequencies. The propagation of low-frequency waves is significantly suppressed by the interplay of the periodic resonators installed on the surface of the noise barriers. Numerical simulations are used to calculate the insertion loss by the designed noise barriers and an analytical model is presented to explain the wave phenomena happening around the noise barriers.
Periode6 apr. 2002
EvenementstitelNAG Algemene lezingendag en ALV
LocatieUtrecht, NederlandToon op kaart