Intuition and Rationality in Design Decision Making

  • Katrin Eling (Spreker)

Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentatiesGenodigd sprekerWetenschappelijk


Keynote in the International Workshop on Decision Making in Software ARCHitecture (MARCH):

The decision making during the conceptual design of new products, including software products, is becoming more and more complex. Customer needs become more diverse, technologies more advanced and, in addition, also the environmental and social impact of new products needs to be anticipated. Traditionally, rational modes of decision making have been advocated to deal with such complex design decision problems. However, recently, more attention has also been paid to the use of intuition.

In this talk a number of findings on the use of intuition and rationality in new product concept design decision making will be presented, including the findings from a conceptual study on the benefits and drawbacks of intuition for creative problem solving and the findings from two experiments on design concept selection and evaluation. The implications of these findings for the research on the individual and combined use of rationality and intuition in software design decision making will be discussed.
Periode26 mrt. 2019
Evenementstitel2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion, ICSA-C 2019
LocatieHamburg, DuitslandToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal