Empowering teachers to evaluate socio-scientific issues-based science lessons: examples from Dutch science teachers

Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentatiesKeynote sprekerWetenschappelijk


Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) are controversial social issues which relate to science. They are ill-structured, open-ended problems which have multiple solutions (e.g. Covid 19 vaccine: yes or no, Animal testing? Ethical?). Students engage in dialogue, discussion, and debate in SSI-based science lessons. Although there are available SSI lesson materials and professional development opportunities for teachers, teachers experience reluctance to assess SSI-related skills and provide feedback (Bryce & Gray, 2004; Tidemand & Nielsen, 2017). Research about PCK for SSI shows that implementation of SSI modules leads to strong PCK development, but the aspect of assessment lags far behind (Bayram-Jacobs, et al., 2019).

There is a recognised lack of effective assessment strategies for SSI-related skills (Levinson & Turner, 2001). Frequently used summative written tests are not suitable for providing insight into these skills (Tidemand & Nielsen, 2017). In a project that is granted by Dutch Research Council (NWO), we work with teachers and researchers in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) to design, test, and redesign evaluation tools for SSI lessons.

In this talk, I will share how Dutch teachers planned SSI lessons and evaluation tools for science lessons. I will show some examples of SSI-lessons and evaluation tools. Moreover, I will present the difficulties and challenges that the Dutch teachers experience in the evaluation of student skills in the SSI-lessons.
Periode16 jun. 2022
EvenementstitelThe 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ISET) 2022: Transforming Science Education for Sustainable Development
LocatieThailandToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal