Automated Decision Making - AI systems and individual rights

  • Gallese-Nobile, C. (Organisator)
  • Elena Falletti (Organisator)
  • David Billard (Organisator)
  • Francesca Alessandra Lisi (Organisator)

Activiteit: Types deelname aan of organisatie van een evenementCongresWetenschappelijk


Automated decision-making (ADM) systems, i.e., systems used to take a decision by automated means without any human intervention, are increasingly widespread. The development of new Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques is contributing in making those systems even more common and accessible, and they are now integrated in everyday life. Although they can lead to quicker and more consistent decisions, by helping humans in reaching a better performance, there may be significant risks for citizens’ rights and freedom. Indeed, they are often used to affect citizens’ rights without them being fully aware of the consequences on their lives, as in the case of insurance contracts, verification of credit worthiness, hiring processes, granting of social benefits, and many other tools. In some cases, negative effects may occur even when used responsibly and lawfully. In addition, the increasing availability of personal data on the Internet and from interconnected devices has made the linking between multiple sources easier, allowing the automated and large scale analysis and prediction of individuals’ preferences, habits, personality, and behavior. To address these problems, the European Commission recently published a proposal for a new Regulation on AI, providing specific compliance procedures for those systems that are considered more dangerous, requiring humans to be aware that they are interacting with an AI, and banning some technologies, such as facial recognition in public accessible places. This event aims to explore ethical, legal and technical issues of ADM systems such as the impact of ADM on vulnerable groups, the need for transparent and explainable AI, the consequences of ADM within the trial and during investigations, and some recent cases of ADM causing negative effects on individuals, for instance in the medical field. Also, it will be discussed how the ADM topic is regulated by GDPR.
Periode15 jul. 202117 jul. 2021
LocatieEindhoven, NederlandToon op kaart