Anual Meeting of the section Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics NNV AMO

  • Wouter Verhoeven (Spreker)

Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentatiesAangemelde presentatieWetenschappelijk


TIME RESOLVED ELECTRON MICROSCOPY In collaboration with FEI Company, we are studying the possibility of using a microwave TM110 ‘streak’ cavity in combination with a slit to chop a continuous electron beam into 100 fs electron pulses. We have shown that this can be done with minimal increase in transverse emittance and longitudinal energy spread. Accurately synchronized to a mode-locked laser system, this allows for pump-probe experiments with the spatial resolution of high-end electron microscopes. At the Eindhoven University of Technology, such a cavity has been implemented in a 200 keV FEI Tecnai microscope. With this setup, a temporal resolution of several picoseconds can currently be achieved without loss of beam quality. Furthermore, an ultrafast 30 keV SEM is operational for spectroscopic purposes. One experiment that has been performed is a time-of-flight measurement, allowing for femtosecond electron energy spectroscopy. Furthermore, we are using this setup to investigate the interaction between electrons and light.
Periode12 okt. 2016
EvenementstitelAnual Meeting of the section Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics NNV AMO
LocatieLunteren, NederlandToon op kaart