ACM Mobihoc 2020

Activiteit: Types deelname aan of organisatie van een evenementCongresWetenschappelijk


ACM Mobihoc: International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing will be held in Shanghai, China druing June 30th - July 3rd, 2020. MobiHoc is a premier international symposium dedicated to addressing challenges in dynamic networks and computing.

It will bring together researchers and practitioners from a broad spectrum of networking research to present the most up-to-date results and achievements in the field.

Mobihoc 2020 will feature a highly selective technical program, multiple distinguished keynote addresses, and an exciting panel. In addition, it includes workshops that are focused on areas of emerging interest.
Periode1 dec. 20193 jul. 2020
LocatieShanghai, ChinaToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternationaal