2021 International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems, ICONS 2021 (Evenement)

Activiteit: Types lidmaatschapLidmaatschap van commissieWetenschappelijk


With the looming end of the “Moore’s Law” era, there is an emerging challenge to “create a new type of computer that can proactively interpret and learn from data, solve unfamiliar problems using what it has learned, and operate with the energy efficiency of the human brain.”

Neuromorphic computing will play a major role in this challenge and has the potential to transform the way we use computers through new materials, new brain-inspired chips, greater understanding of neuroscience, and breakthroughs in machine understanding/intelligence. Neuromorphic computing systems have the potential to mimic the functionality of neural systems in the brain, which we believe will lead to more powerful and efficient computing paradigms. The goal of this conference is to bring together leading researchers in neuromorphic computing to present new research, develop new collaborations, and provide a forum to publish work in this area.
Evenementstitel2021 International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems, ICONS 2021