Wonen in het militaire
: herbestemming van het Corps de Logis van de Tapijnkazerne te Maastricht

  • F.J.T. van Gemert

Student thesis: Master


The task of redeveloping vacant buildings such as churches, offices, factories and other cultural historic heritage is a todays issue. The graduation studio 'Champ de Mars' included the assignment to make a design for the re-use of the Tapijn barracks in Maastricht. The assignment to transform this piece of military heritage into something new really fascinated me. The studio started off with a broad research in several topics. There was a group that researched the collective memory, trying to investigate or the inhabitans of Maastricht had any image or story in that remembered them of the Tapijn barracks. An other group looked at contemporary artists, trying to find out if architects could learn from their way of thinking and working. In their art, they have the ability to place object in a new perspective by transforming it into something new. This can be very usefull in making a design for the redevelopment of the Tapijn barracks. Personally I worked in a group that compared several military barracks, trying to find the characteristics of a military barrack and the way a military barrack operates. After the research was completed, we started to form our own vision for the redevelopment of the Tapijn barracks. My vision is the give the former barrack ground back to the people of Maastricht. This because before it became a military barrack, the terrain was used for the benefit of the inhabitants of Maastricht. Furthermore the barrack lies in a beautiful surroundings with the cities park, the medieval city wall, the river the Jeker and the adjacent villa district. Therefore I looked into what the city of Maastricht really needed. It turned out that the city was in need of good quality housing for the elderly combined with health care features. On that account I desided to transform the former military barrack into a living and care complex for the elderly with some leisure and welness features. This new function fits very well on the site, because of it's resemblance with the former function of housing and facilities. A military barrack is 'a complex which is intended for the accomodation of soldiers and all necessary facilities'. At the army efficiency is a very important aspect. From this point on the design proces started. First we had to make a urban plan for the entire terrain of the barrack. I used the theory of the dutch urban planner Frits Palmboom, combined with a thorough urban analysis to make my design. After making the urban project, I zoomed in on the building for which I made my architectural design. I chose for the Corps de Logis (main residential building), because my primary function is the housing of the elderly and it's one of the most important buildings on the site. The building analysis revealed that the building had a functional lay-out and a very rigid structure. The building had a very nice façade to present itself to the city, but in the interior efficiency was the most important. This kind of architecture reminds of the one of nursing homes. The characteristics of this architecture are reminiscent to the whishes of the new residents. Therefore my research question is formulated as following: In which way can the Corps the Logis of the Tapijn barracks in Maastricht be transformed into an apartmentbuilding for seniors while maintaining the military characteristics, without it reminding the residents of a nursing home? To break free from the original structure, I've explored what really should be preserved to capture the very essence of the building and the place. By doing this, the history of the place is preserved, while be able to remove the rest of the building. This opened a whole new perspective and new opportunities. By adding a new assymetrical volume, petrifying the existing façades, making new cuts in the petrified façade and adding a playful interior, a contrast with the old military characteristics is formed. This creates an exciting building, that by no means reminds of a boring nursing home. The building clearly shows that it is transformed into a building that belongs in the 21st century, but at the same time it displays the original operation and qualities of the building. This historical layering that is formed, is one of the most important qualities of the new building. The result is a beautiful residential building on one of the most beautiful spots of Maastricht
Date of Award30 Jun 2013
Original languageDutch
SupervisorJ.G. Wallis De Vries (Supervisor 1), A.J.M. Walraven (Supervisor 2) & J.J.N. Lichtenberg (Supervisor 2)

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