This paper presents three individual cases related to PQ (Power Quality) problems in industrial installations. Case I presents a problem consisting of four parallel operating converters, which cannot operate all at the same moment because of a parallel harmonic resonance. The solution is found by creating two separate systems. Case II analyzes voltage dips and interruptions which cause production losses. A rotary UPS is recommended as solution, which is able to block all events (under normal operation) and therefore all lost production hours due to these events are resolved. Case III analyzes an installation for harmonic distortion levels in grid and backup generator operation. Additional, the lost part of capacity of transformers and cables by harmonic distortion is analyzed. It is concluded for industrial companies overall, that the awareness about the negative consequences of PQ differs largely and is often too low. This lack of knowledge can create costly situations and lost revenue. Solving this issue starts with increase of awareness of the right people and finding a way to translate the investments for increasing the PQ, to cost reduction and revenue increase of the company.
Date of Award | 31 Aug 2014 |
Original language | English |
Supervisor | J.F.G. (Sjef) Cobben (Supervisor 1), V. Cuk (Supervisor 2) & Claudy van Dorst (External coach) |
Solving power quality problems in industrial installations by means of measurements
Stamps, A. M. J. P. (Author). 31 Aug 2014
Student thesis: Master