X-ray diffraction device comprising cooling medium connections provided on the x-ray tube

J.F.M. Achard van Enschut, d' (Inventor), T.J.J.M. Jenneskens (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent publication

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    An X-ray diffraction device comprises a water-cooled X-ray tube which exhibits a line focus as well as, after rotation through 90 DEG , a point focus. Contrary to customary X-ray tubes, the cooling water is not supplied via the housing (12) in which the X-ray tube is mounted, but the cooling water connections (52, 54) are provided directly on the X-ray tube at the same side of the robe where the high-voltage connector (16) is provided. As a result, rotation of the robe upon changing over from a line focus to a point focus is not hampered by cooling water connections inside the housing of the tube. An additional advantage of this method of supplying the cooling water resides in the fact that the robe base (56) can also be cooled via these ducts. The base would otherwise become inadmissibly hot due to the loss heat from the filament (60).
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS5515414
    Publication statusPublished - 7 May 1996


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