Widely tunable, efficient on-chip single photon sources at telecommunication wavelengths

T.B. Hoang, J. Beetz, M. Lermer, L. Midolo, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, A. Fiore

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We demonstrate tunable on-chip single photon sources using the Stark tuning of single quantum dot (QD) excitonic transitions in short photonic crystal waveguides (PhC WGs). The emission of single QDs can be tuned in real-time by 9 nm with an applied bias voltage less than 2V. Due to a reshaped density of optical modes in the PhC WG, a large coupling efficiencyß = 65% to the waveguide mode is maintained across a wavelength range of 5 nm. When the QD is resonant with the Fabry-Perot mode of the PhC WG, a strong enhancement of spontaneous emission is observed leading to a maximum coupling efficiencyß = 88% . These results represent an important step towards the scalable integration of single photon sources in quantum photonic integrated circuits.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21758-21765
Number of pages8
JournalOptics Express
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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