title = "Weakest-link failure prediction for ceramics",
abstract = "A review with 10 refs. Detailed problems assocd. with measurement and interpretation of the bend strength of ceramics are presented. The relation between 3- and 4-point bend and biaxial test results is discussed in the light of current theor. understanding. There remain a no. of unresolved aspects, and a new, damage-mechanics approach is discussed.",
author = "L.J.M.G. Dortmans and {With, de}, G.",
year = "1991",
language = "English",
isbn = "1-85166-740-7",
series = "EUR",
publisher = "Elsevier",
pages = "76--81",
editor = "R.W. Davidge and {Voorde, van de}, M.H.",
booktitle = "Designing with structural ceramics : Europhysics industrial workshop, held at Petten, The Netherlands, 3-6 April 1990",
address = "Netherlands",