Video coding and decoding devices and methods preserving ppg relevant information

I. Kirenko (Inventor), G. Haan, de (Inventor), A.J. Leest, van (Inventor), P.S. Mulyar (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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The present invention relates to a video encoding device (10) for encoding video data and a corresponding video decoding device, wherein during decoding PPG relevant information shall be preserved. For this purpose the video coding device (10) comprises a first encoder (20) for encoding input video data (100) according to a first encoding scheme and outputting first coded video data (120) having a lower quality than the input video data, and a second encoder (30) for encoding input video data (100) according to a second encoding scheme preserving PPG-relevant information and outputting second coded video data (130).
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2013272393
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2013


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