Video coding and decoding devices and methods preserving ppg relevant information

I. Kirenko (Inventor), G. Haan, de (Inventor), A.J. Leest, van (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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The present invention relates to a video encoding device (10, 10', 10'') and method for encoding video data and to a corresponding video decoding device (60, 60') and method. To preserve PPG relevant information after encoding without requiring a large amount of additional data for the video encoder output stream, the proposed video encoding device comprises a selection unit (20, 20') for selecting a region of interest (101) in input video data (100) providing a strong PPG signal, a first encoding unit (30,30') for encoding said selected region of interest (101) of said input video data (100) according to a predetermined encoding scheme with a first setting of the encoding to preserve PPG-relevant information in the encoded region of interest, a second encoding unit (40, 40') for encoding remaining parts (103) of said input video data (100); according to said predetermined encoding scheme with a second setting of the encoding, and an encoder combination unit (50) for combining the encoded region of interest (102) and the encoded remaining parts (104) of said input video data into an encoder output video stream (105).
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2013294505
Publication statusPublished - 7 Nov 2013


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