Unit for and method of sharpness enhancement.

M.A. Klompenhouwer (Inventor), G. Haan, de (Inventor), L.J. Velthoven (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication


An image processing apparatus (100) comprises: receiving means for receiving a video signal representing input images; a film-detector unit (108) for detecting whether the input images have been captured by a film camera or by a video camera; and a sharpness enhancement unit (106) for calculating sharpness enhanced images on basis of the input images. The sharpness enhancement unit (106) is controlled by the film-detector unit (108), whereby the sharpness enhancement is larger if the film-detector unit (108) has detected that the input images have been captured by the film camera than if the film-detector unit (108) has detected that the input images have been captured by the video camera.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS7489350
Publication statusPublished - 23 Mar 2006


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