Tune in to your emotions: a robust personalized affective music player

J.H. Janssen, E.L. Broek, van den, J.H.D.M. Westerink

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The emotional power of music is exploited in a personalized affective music player (AMP) that selects music for mood enhancement. A biosignal approach is used to measure listeners' personal emotional reactions to their own music as input for affective user models. Regression and kernel density estimation are applied to model the physiological changes the music elicits. Using these models, personalized music selections based on an affective goal state can be made. The AMP was validated in real-world trials over the course of several weeks. Results show that our models can cope with noisy situations and handle large inter-individual differences in the music domain. The AMP augments music listening where its techniques enable automated affect guidance. Our approach provides valuable insights for affective computing and user modeling, for which the AMP is a suitable carrier application
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)255-279
JournalUser Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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