Tremor suppression by FES using closed-loop control

R.J.L.M. Verstappen, H. Nijmeijer (Supervisor), C.T. Freeman (Supervisor), E. Rogers (Supervisor)

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic

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In this work tremor suppression by functional electrical stimulation is described, using repetitive and iterative learning control algorithm. Multibody and muscle dynamics are exploited to obtain models of the human arm. Furthermore, for first evidence and realistic feasibility the wrist joint is chosen for tremor suppression. System parameters are obtained by measurements and frequency decomposition. For simulations robust high order repetitive control, optimality-based repetitive control and norm-based iterative learning control are applied. For experiments optimality-based repetitive control is applied, using a wrist setup for signal processing. The simulations and experiments are executed for tremor stabilization and reference tracking.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEindhoven
PublisherEindhoven University of Technology
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Publication series


Bibliographical note

Traineeship report. - DC 2012.010


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