Transport of ground-state hydrogen atoms in a plasma expansion

S. Mazouffre, M.G.H. Boogaarts, I.S.J. Bakker, P.J.W. Vankan, R.A.H. Engeln, D.C. Schram

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The transport of ground-state atomic hydrogen in the expansion of a thermal plasma generated from an Ar-H/sub 2/ mixture is studied by means of laser-based diagnostic techniques. The flow of hydrogen atoms is investigated by two-photon excitation laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), whereas Ar atoms are probed by LIF as well as by UV Rayleigh scattering. The transport of Ar atoms can be fully understood in terms of a free jet flow; H atoms on the contrary exhibit an anomalous behavior. In the course of the plasma expansion, hydrogen atoms decouple from the argon fluid by a diffusion process as a direct consequence of recombination of H atoms at the vessel walls. In this contribution it is shown, on the basis of experimental results, how plasma-surface interactions can strongly influence the flow pattern of an atomic radical fluid. ©2001 The American Physical Society
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)016411-1/11
JournalPhysical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2001


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