Transmission of light through a thin metal film with periodically and randomly corrugated surfaces

B. Baumeier, T. A. Leskova, A. A. Maradudin

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We calculate the transmission of p- and s-polarized light, incident normally from vacuum, through a thin metal film deposited on a semi-infinite dielectric substrate. The vacuum-metal and metal-dielectric interfaces are one-dimensional randomly rough interfaces defined by x3 ≤ -ζ(x1) and x3 ≤ -H+ζ(x1), respectively, where the function ζ(x1) has the form , with 0≤dn} are independent, identically distributed, random deviates drawn from a uniform distribution. By means of a rigorous numerical approach the transmissivity of a single realization of the film is calculated as a function of the wavelength λ of the incident light, the amplitude d, and the width of the distribution from which the {dn} are drawn. The results for silver and gold films for 0.2 μm1) the transmissivity at the wavelengths of the surface plasmon polaritons for light of p polarization is decreased, for a given value of d, from its value in the absence of the randomness, but a significant enhancement remains even when dn is allowed to take values in the interval (-0.2,0.2). At all other wavelengths the transmissivity for light of p polarization is unaffected by this degree of randomness, and the transmissivity for light of s polarization is unaffected by this degree of randomness at all wavelengths considered. Thus, periodicity is sufficient to produce a significantly enhanced transmissivity in p polarization, but it is not necessary.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Optics A, Pure and Applied Optics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2006
Externally publishedYes


  • Enhanced transmission
  • Rough surface scattering
  • Surface plasmon polaritons
  • Thin films


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