Transfusion of blood with HL-A type. A study with 2,380 donors (author's transl)

C. Bouillenne, P.A. Leclercq, J. Brocteur, A. Andre

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Patients receiving repeated transfusions sooner or later develop an anti-HL-A immunization. To prevent or to delay this immunization by transfusing "deleucocyted" blood appears in the long run, to be a vague hope. So, it became essential to use blood from donors typed for the HL-A system. In this study we have examined what would happen if a pool of 2,380 HL-A type donors were available for 110 recipients. Twenty five per cent of the recipients will have blood available from more than 5 donors with the same HL-A types as themselves, and 71% of them can receive blood from more than 5 donors sharing at least one antigen at each locus (and with no antigen known to be different between them).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)203-208
Number of pages6
JournalNouvelle Revue Française d'Hématologie
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1976


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