Towards control-oriented modeling of natural gas-diesel RCCI combustion

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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For natural gas (NG)-diesel RCCI, a multi-zonal, detailed chemistry modeling approach is presented. This dual fuel combustion process requires further understanding of the ignition and combustion processes to maximize thermal efficiency and minimize (partially) unburned fuel emissions. The introduction of two fuels with different physical and chemical properties makes the combustion process complicated and challenging to model. In this study, a multi-zone approach is applied to NG-diesel RCCI combustion in a heavy-duty engine. Auto-ignition chemistry is believed to be the key process in RCCI. Starting from a multi-zone model that can describe auto-ignition dominated processes, such as HCCI and PCCI, this model is adapted by including reaction mechanisms for natural gas and NOx and by improving the in-cylinder pressure prediction. The model is validated using NG-diesel RCCI measurements that are performed on a 6 cylinder heavy-duty engine.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2015 SAE World Congress, 21-23 April 2015, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Place of PublicationWarrendale
PublisherSociety of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventSAE 2015 World Congress and Exhibition - Cobo Center, Detroit, United States
Duration: 21 Apr 201523 Apr 2015

Publication series

NameSAE Technical Paper
ISSN (Print)0096-5170


ConferenceSAE 2015 World Congress and Exhibition
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Other“Leading Mobility Innovation"


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