Toonhoogte verschijnselen en hun gemeenschappelijke basis

R.J. Ritsma

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterProfessional


    For various types of broad-spectrum signals it could be demonstrated that pitch is derived from a rather limited frequency region corresponding to 3-5 times the pitch value. Taking only part of the signal filtered in the right way, the pitch can be calculated by a simple autocorrelation process.
    Original languageDutch
    Title of host publicationNajaarsvergadering 1968 : voordrachten over diverse akoestische onderwerpen, gehouden op 7 en 8 november 1968 te Delft
    Place of PublicationDelft
    PublisherNederlands Akoestisch Genootschap
    Publication statusPublished - 1969

    Publication series

    NamePublikatie Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap

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