Tools, Means and Mediating Design Futures Education

Andrew Morrison, Karianne Rygh, Manuela Celi, Oscar Tomico, Betti Marenko, Chiara Colombi

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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    Our ongoing engagement with design tools and meaning making in design pedagogy asks that we are curious, creative and critical about how we work with materials, artifacts, processes, participation and contexts of use. These are contexts that are futural in nature yet oriented toward the present and they are implicated in the past. In working towards exploring and materialising design futures in the plural, it is in the emergent and ongoing situations of use that anticipatory design pedagogies are relationally and reflexively and developed and realised. Critical takes on our legacies as well as our creative design generative imaginaries, however, may converge in our immediate present. They are influenced too by how it is that we learn, live and work in the unfolding contemporary dynamics of the now.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationDesign Futures Literacies: Extended Essays
    EditorsAndrew Morrison
    PublisherOslo School of Architecture and Design
    Number of pages80
    ISBN (Electronic)978-82-547-0364-9
    Publication statusPublished - 2023


    Erasmus +


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