To serve and protect: A typology of service robots and their role in physically safe services

Jeroen J.L. Schepers (Corresponding author), S. Streukens

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Although consumers feel that the move towards service robots in the frontline so far was driven by firms’ strive to replace human service agents and realize cost savings accordingly, the COVID-19 pandemic has led customers to appreciate robots’ ability to provide services in ways that keeps them safe and protected from the virus. Still, research on this topic is scant. This article offers guidance by providing a theoretical backdrop for the safety perspective on service robots, as well as outlining a typology that researchers and practitioners can use to further advance this field.

A typology is developed based on a combination of a theory- and practice-driven approach. Departing from the type of behavior performed by the service robot, the typology synthesizes three different service robot roles from past literature, and proposes three new safety-related role extensions. These safety-related roles are derived from a search for examples of how service robots are used in practice during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The typology’s roles are corroborated by discussing relevant robot implementations around the globe. Jointly, the six roles give rise to several ideas for future research.

This manuscript is (one of) the first to provide in-depth attention to the phenomenon of service customers’ physical safety needs in the age of service robots. In doing so, it discusses and ties together theories and concepts from different fields, such as hierarchy of needs theory, evolutionary human motives theory, perceived risk theory, regulatory focus theory, job-demand resources theory, and theory of AI job replacement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)197-209
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Service Management
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2022


  • Customer health
  • Frontline service
  • Pandemic
  • Physical safety
  • Safety
  • Service robots
  • Typology


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