Time-resolved surface rearrangements of polymer films monitored by Dynamic Recovery Contact Angle (DRCA)

A.C.C. Esteves, I.D. Gunbas, J.M. Riel, van, B.A.J. Noordover, G. With, de, R.A.T.M. Benthem, van

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Polymer surfaces can be designed to have functionalities significantly different from the bulk. However, such surfaces can be very dynamic in nature and rapidly rearrange or exchange with bulk components upon changing environmental conditions or contacts. The time-frames involved in surface rearrangements of polymer films are investigated by Dynamic Recovery Contact Angle (DRCA) through a simple, non-invasive and reconstructive approach, based on the sequential exchange of the polymer surface contact between a probe liquid (water) and air.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20094-20101
Number of pages8
JournalRSC Advances
Issue number39
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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