Thuisbegeleiding van mensen in de laatste levensfase met hartfalen binnen de regio ’s Hertogenbosch: Digitale innovatie en samenwerking in het zorgnetwerk zodat mensen zo lang mogelijk kunnen doen wat ze het liefst doen

Doortje Hols

Research output: ThesisEngD Thesis

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Doing what people love to do for as long as possible. That is where palliative care, as a supplement to regular care, can contribute to. Palliative care aims to improve people's health and wellbeing. Many different care providers and organizations are involved in the care network surrounding a person; doctors, nurses and general practitioners.
Despite the fact that network cooperation in the 's-Hertogenbosch region is in development for this target group, care providers indicate that physical and mental deterioration could be acted upon even earlier. If this does not happen, sudden hospitalizations can occur. As a result, people cannot be and die in the place they wish.
The application of technology appears to be promising in promoting equal and individualized palliative care. Therefore, a multidisciplinary group attempted to answer the following question: "How can home guidance (also: telemonitoring) be designed in the care network of people in the last phase of life in the 's-Hertogenbosch region?". Four steps of the Design Thinking methodology have been completed in order to design a solution on the axes of organisation/regional policy, care process, information, application, infrastructure and legislation/regulations. The chosen design solution is based on a collective regional ambition. A person in the last phase of life enters (physical and psychological)
measurements at home in a mobile application. Nurses in a support center monitor the values and if a threshold value is exceeded, they forward reports for follow-up in the care network. In this way, it is possible to act in time on physical and/or mental deterioration. The solution creates a sense of proximity to caregivers and minimizes precious time and energy spent on a trip to the hospital or GP. In this way, people in the last phase of life with heart failure within the 's-Hertogenbosch region can do what they love to do for as long as possible, where they prefer to do it.
Original languageDutch
  • Zonneveld, Guido A.M., Supervisor
  • van Geffen, Marco, External supervisor, External person
  • van der Stam, Wim, External supervisor, External person
  • Kieft, Renate, External supervisor, External person
Place of PublicationEindhoven
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022

Bibliographical note

PdEng thesis.

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