Three-body universality in ultracold p -wave resonant mixtures

P.M.A. Mestrom (Corresponding author), V.E. Colussi, T. Secker, J.L. Li, S.J.J.M.F. Kokkelmans

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We study three-body collisions within ultracold mixtures with resonant interspecies p-wave interactions. Our results for the three-body effective interaction strength and decay rate are crucial towards understanding the stability and lifetime of these dilute quantum fluids. On resonance, we find that a class of universal scattering pathways emerges, regardless of the details of the short-range interactions. This gives rise quite generally to a remarkable regime where three-body effective interactions dominate over both inelastic decay and two-body effective interactions. Additionally, we find a series of mass-ratio-dependent trimer resonances further from resonance.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberL051303
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2021


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